Avantone CR14 Ribbon Microphone
The Avantone CR14 is an elegantly designed bi-directional (figure 8) velocity ribbon microphone is intended for use in modern, state-of-the-art studios as well as private home studios. It offers the unique, pleasing sonic character that is similar to those classic ribbon mics of yesteryear.
- Unique, elegant “retro” body design
- Dual, Low-Mass Ribbon element which enables a much better sensitivity rating than most single ribbon designs
- Fast accurate transient response, ultra-high 148 dB SPL capability, and overall stunning realism
- Figure-8 audio directionality (pickup) pattern via front and rear, with extended sweet spots (as compared to Large Diaphragm condenser mics & single ribbon designs)
- Low residual noise
- No power supply required
- No internal active electronics to overload or produce distortion
- Manufactured using the finest materials yielding a very solid feel, superb structural integrity and rugged reliability
The Avantone CR14 is equally at home on solo vocals, group vocals and simultaneous vocal duets. Also recommended for piano, electric guitar cabs and acoustic guitar, orchestral, woodwind & brass instruments as well as hand-percussion instruments. Excellent results can also be acheived using two CR14 microphones for stereo tracking. This is particularly effective when micing a drum kit or piano for a warm and richer tone.
The “in-phase” signal is achieved when the microphone is addressed from the front side of the mic (where the AVANTONE logo is shown).
- Polar Pattern: Figure-8
- Frequency Range: 30 -15,000 Hz +/- 3dB
- Sensitivity: -52 dBv +/- 2dB Re. (0dB=1V/Pa)
- Maximum SPL: 45dB (0.5% THD @1000Hz)
- Output Impedance: <=600 Ohms
- Magnets: Rare Earth Neodymium