Studio Electronics Boomstar Modular Levels
LEVELS is a versatile, low-noise six channel summing mixer/attenuator for audio and CV, re-designed by Tim Caswell, which can be used rather effectively in a variety of ways: 6 in 1 out, or two separate mixers: 4 in 1 out, and 2 in 1 out, e. g., when only jacked-in to MIX 5/6 output all input channels pass through; utilizing the 1-4 OUT removes channels 1-4 from the MIX 5/6 output. Handy indeed. The pots are wired with a logarithmic volume curve that is tuned for use with audio but it will work splendidly with CV as well. Pressing LEVELS into service as a wave-shaper by patching all of the individual OSCILLATION waveform outs (sub, sine, tri, saw, ramp, square) into CHANNEL inputs 1-6, makes for vivid beguiling shapes—a morphable hybrid waveform of your innermost sound designs. Consider pairing the two Modstar modules when building your system.
All Controls and Patch Points
- CHANNEL 1 – Adjusts the level or value of 1.
- CHANNEL 2 – Adjusts the level or value of 2.
- CHANNEL 3 – Adjusts the level or value of 3.
- CHANNEL 4 – Adjusts the level or value of 4.
- CHANNEL 5 – Adjusts the level or value of 5.
- CHANNEL 6 – Adjusts the level or value of 6.
- CH 1 IN – Channel 1 input.
- CH 2 IN – Channel 2 input.
- CH 3 IN – Channel 3 input.
- CH 4 IN – Channel 4 input.
- CH 5 IN – Channel 5 input.
- CH 6 IN – Channel 6 input.
- 1-4 OUT – Channels 1-4 output.
- MIX/5-6 – All channels output (MIX), or 5-6 when a cable is plugged into any of the 1-4 channel inputs.
- Size - 10hp
- Depth - 25mm with ribbon cable attached
- Power Usage - 39mA, 40mA (+12 / -12)